
Monday 6 May 2013

NSD Challange 24 - MILESTONE

This past weekend celebrated NSD ( National Scapbooking Day ). To celebrate this awesome day Two Peas in a Bucket set some Scapbooking challenges !!


So, not to miss out on the fun I decided to scrapbook a page for one of the challenges..


Challenge number 24 ! Is Scrapbook a Milestone

I couldn't find the photograph I wanted for this page :( however I did find a cute polariod of my youngest daughter having her feet measured and her first shoes..


This was a huge milestone for her, up until then she hated shoes and spent the first year in socks or nothing at all!!

How funny another year makes , as now she loves!! Shoes and everybody else's.


Linking up @


Happy Crafting



  1. So cute, both the layout and your daughter!

  2. Cute layout, cute daughter too! They grow up so fast...mine is 16 now and works in a shoe shop at the weekend. Maybe I should scrap her first job...

    1. Thank you Tiara,

      My oldest just turned 11 so know what you mean...

      Thank you so much for taking time to stop by and leave a comment, scrapbooking is fairly new to me so learning as I go along ;)

      Scraping her first job would make a good page ;)

      Hope your having a lovely weekend x
