
Sunday 23 June 2013

Sunday inspiration .....

Looking for some inspiration ??

I normally share with you 5 things that's inspiring me each Sunday, today however I am only going to share one. As that one thing I know will share with you other links to inspire you ...

I have to admit I have loved reading through this magazine with my cup of tea this morning!

If you love paper, scrapbooking and memory keeping you are going to love this magazine !

I have book marked a few new blogs and shops ;)

There is also a mood board challene which is definitely worth checking out and having a go ;)


So what you waiting for, go grab a drink of your choice, curl up on the sofa and go be inspired !!!

Happy crafting

*** this is not a sponsored post, all thoughts and opinions are my own, I felt it fitting to share this magazine with you, in keeping with my blogs theme and readers *****


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