
Tuesday 23 July 2013

Our End of Year Thank you gifts..

School is officially out !!

Today is the first day if the summer holidays and can you believe after 2 weeks of glorious weather it's raining ? Typical .

So just a quick post to share with you our end of year teacher gifts.




After taking these photos I realised I should have taken one before wrapping them up, but the girls were so excited putting them together I forgot..

I bought the popcorn boxes from eBay and filled it with , pen, pencil, rubber, notepad, chocolate, hot chocolate and some fruit sweets..

I also included a packet of microwaveable popcorn, but the packet was to big to fit inside so we attached it to the back along with a handmade card, with the "thanks for making me a star" printable..

Everything was gift wrapped in cellophane and tied with ribbon.

You can find the printable here...



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