
Sunday 7 July 2013

Sunday inspiration ...

This post is a little later (ok a lot ) than planned, but better late than never than planed ...

We have been having some lovely weather this weekend and I wanted to make the most of it, who's knows when we will have nice weather again ?

So here is what's inspiring me this week....


After moving some furnature around I have an empty shelve and I am thinking that maybe a mini cactus arrangement would be perfect ??



How yummy do these look ?? DefinatleyI on my to do list for the summer holidays ;)



I love making paper flowers, they are a great way to use up paper scraps and make great embelishments for your projects too ..


Definatley words to live by !

Yay! I finally found time to create today !! Here is a sneak peek into my Happy little moments boom :) which is part of a Studio Calico class I am taking !

So what's inspiring you ??


Happy crafting


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