
Thursday 1 August 2013

This week I am ....



Seeing .....

Rain and lots of it, so all gardening plans have been postponed until the weather improves :/


Hearing .....

The washing machine, as I try and tackle the mountain of washing


Smelling .....

A mixture of cakes and homemade quiche, as I experiment in the kitchen :)


Tasting .....

Right now, a strong cup of tea and a Crunchie (my comfort snack)


Feeling .....

Baby feet, my baby girl loves to have a feet rubbed, which is a gentle reminder to enjoy these moments as they won't last forever !


How's your week ??

Don't forget to stop by and link up your crafty projects over @ Craft Blogging Central

Here is a sneek peak at the project I made ...


Hope to see you there :)


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