
Monday 16 September 2013

Confession ......

Happy Monday, How was your weekend ???

Mine was a mixture of crafting with the girls, watching movies and a huge clean up and sort out ....

Mondays for me, is the day when i try to get organised, meal planning, shopping and tackling the huge washing pile, that has mounted from the weekend..

Which leads me onto my confession ....

I spend way too much time on Pinterest. In my defence is does help me plan my meals and helps to keep my creative mind in overdrive ...

Take this week for instance, I have 2 new meals planned and a few desserts, as well as a few projects on the "to do" list  ...

Here is fun menu/shopping planner I found.

The rest of my day will be spent, washing, drying, writing out and ordering food for the new meal ideas, maybe a little time working on my holiday mini album, something that has been on my "to do" list for far too long ...

Will be back with photos soon ..

Claire x 

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