Friday 6 December 2013

Feature Friday with Life a la Med

This Friday starts the beginning of many featured bloggers and/or shop owner posts in hope to introduce some new "eye candy" and inspiration. Please join me to welcome Laura of Life a la Med 

What inspires you? 

Lately I find myself noticing and being inspired by certain aspects of different people. For instance, with school it is a challenge to make creativity a priority. Luckily, I discovered project life thanks to Elise Blaha[]. She introduced me to the method and helped me see that this is something I could do even with limited time!
Lauren Fairweather[], a youtuber / plushie creator / wizard rock singing amazing person, inspires me with her smiles and positive attitude. Every word she says just Sounds happy. Watch just one of her videos and withing the first 5 seconds I'm fairly certain you'll catch her infectious smile. 
David Karp [], the creator behind tumblr inspires me with the way he uses technology yet pairs back and lives a fairly analog life at home. 
I'm consistantly inspired by people in my class who work so hard for the things that they want, and by Emily Graclie [] the brilliant host of Brain Scoop is dorky, smart, and driven. I am definitely inspired by her drive and dedication to her chosen field. 

Share an interesting fact about yourself.

I went to the same school for 13 years of my life and graduated with a class of just 19 people. OH I also have a snake named Edgar (after Edgar Allan Poe) who has his own Instagram tag (#edgarexploresthings), have several tattoos and love sign language. 

List a few favourite past times.

Reading. This may be a "stereotypical" answer but if I start in on a book I like, I may very well not sleep and choose reading instead. I also play the Sims to unwind sometimes. It doesn't require much mental effort but is visually rewarding and something I can get lost in for a little bit. Basically things that let me dive into another persona / life / situation for a while. I have also enjoyed just getting to look in the little windows of some really cool peoples' lives online via their blogs lately. 

What's your favourite movie?

This is a terribly difficult question. I love Sherlock (the first Robert Downy Jr. one), I heart "You've got mail" because I used to watch it when I was in high school and undergrad and it is just associated with happy and comfy. 

What is your most prized possession?

Most used? Laptop/phone. Most prized? a small stuffed giraffe named TipTop. He is featured in our internet password and goes on vacation in my suitcase. Yes I'm going to technically be a doctor in 2 and a half years, no I am not ashamed. 

What would you like to learn to do?

This is such a big question. Right now I'm working very slowly to learn to become a fantastic pathologist someday. I'm learning, just as slowly, to self-motivate and balance learning with the rest of life. 
Even though most of my learning-brain-power is kind of dedicated to that, I love learning more about using Photoshop and Illustrator when I can.

Laura's ~   Blog/twitter/instagram

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