Friday, 10 January 2014

Coffee Date Friday ...

This week has flown by, so glad it is the weekend though. getting back into the routine has been tougher than i thought.  I am tired, looking forward to a small lay-in tomorrow and a movie with my girlie's. 

If we were having coffee (or tea) in my case, I would tell you that writing this post is part of my goals for my blog, being more intentional and personal about my content. 

I have been busy planing my baby girls 3rd birthday and even though I am having her party in a "play area" I am still going to decorate our home and bake a few goodies :)

I also received a letter from the hospital that confirmed my surgery  for the 24th of this month, I am both thankful and scared at the same time .. Not only am I worried about the surgery, the recovery, (6 weeks) , the 4 nights stay i am worried how my girls will cope , especially the youngest.. 

I would also tell you that I am loving blogging at the moment and feel that I am chasing my dreams at the moment ...

What would you share with me ?? 

Linking up with Alissa @ Rags to Stitches 


  1. I've really struggled getting back into the school routine - I've ended up having breakfast after drop off every day! It has been lovely getting some time alone with my little boy again though.
    Sorry to hear you're having surgery - I'm sure your girls cope better than you imagine. Hope it all goes well and I wish you a speedy recovery xx


    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment , I hope they do, I suppose they are always used to having me around ..

      Yes the school routine has been hard, but we made it through the 1st week !! I hope you have a great weekend xo

  2. The redesign looks beautiful friend!!! I love it!! I feel right at home here. So excited for what's to come for you in 2014!

    1. Yay, so glad you stopped by :)

      Thanks, hope you have a great weekend x

  3. Hi there...yes, this week did fly by and loving your blog:) I have also decided to be more intentional where I link up and Alissa's will always be my Friday #coffeedate.
    Happy Weekend to you:)

    1. Hi Nay,

      Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment .. Yes good idea, I just like the idea of having a more personal post once a week ..

      have a great weekend xo

  4. Claire, I know what you mean about getting back into school routine, so easy to get used school holidays. I'm 39 weeks pregnant and due on Monday so not only am I worrying about the birth but also how my daughter will cope without me if I have to stay in hospital. I am constantly getting told not to think and worry so much. Easier said than done right.

    Glad you have your youngest's birthday to focus on and hope your recovery from your operation is as quick as it can be.


    1. Hey louise, Hope your labour goes well :) I am sure your daughter will be so excited to see your new addition !! but your right it easier said than done ..

      Thank you so much for the well wishes it really means a lot .. looking forward to seeing your little one ..

      claire xo

  5. Linking up with Alissa's coffee date: my big boys go back to school on monday, I'm both dreading it and loving it at the same time. I'm working on really focusing on my blog this year too...can't wait to follow along your journey. xoxo


    1. Hoping the school routine is a bit easier on you :) It is nice to have a little time back now the girls are back to school .. Looking forward to following along with your journey too :) have a great week xo

  6. Claire, firstly love your blog design - the colours, everything, love it! Secondly, good luck with your op. I had an op in July last year (can't believe it was last year already), and I had a bit of a longer recovery but something that helped was all the support I got from my lovely blog friends.

    If I lived near you I would most certainly help you out with a meal :)

    Tash @

    1. Hi Tash, you so much your comment truly made my day xoxo

      I hope that you are well recovered from your operation .. I was on the fence a bout blogging about my op but I so glad I did the well wishes have been lovely ..

      have a great week x
